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Welcome to the official website for the United Carriswheel Tertiary Family Organizations: Carriswheeler. Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about joining, or participating in co-ordinated clandestine operations. Welcome to the official website for the United Carriswheel Tertiary Family Organizations: Carriswheeler. Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about joining, or participating in co-ordinated clandestine operations. idk man, i just want people to be nice to each other and consider their hardships and stuff. but there are people like that. there are a million people out there with ideas like this , and most of them have potential to improve things. like the overall quality of life for everybody, but none of them are being implemented.can you think of any federal govt program that has worked or been good for people that happened in your lifetime? the only one i liked was cash 4 clunkers. it has a catchy name and people got like $4000 or something for their old cars. there was an environmental impact too technically because it got old cars with low MPGS off the road. (i don't really believe that cars, or any personal or household things have much of an impact on global warming. i mainly blame it on companies and the amount of waste they produce. in this case the people believed that buoying an new car would help the environment.) my dad had an old Ford Explorer that fit the bill perfectly and i kept telling him to give it to the clunker people because he hadn't driven it in like 4 years. but he said, "well we have to get it there somehow and it doesn't work. " so we didn't do it. we kept the car for many more years and no one drove it and one day it just disappeared. it was obvious to everybody, though, that C4C was mainly to boost the economy, and the environment was just an added bonus. idk if i was just stupid, or if this was a common belief, but i thought the economy boost was mainly from just giving people money, but no, it was more so from the new cars that people bought and the money going to the car companies. So you would think that the govt was like, "oh i know! we'll give everybody like $4000, that will really help them get back on their feet or at least hold them over for a while until the can get their job back or something. aaaand we can really help the environment! yay!" but most middle class people just traded in their trusty old car that still probably worked pretty well and used the money to help buy a new car. even if they couldn't quite afford it yet, cuz $4000 aint enough for a brand new car. so they took out a loan from the bank for the rest and thus… the economy was saved!thnks to the govt using its people as a proxy to inject the banking and auto industries with tons of cash! so the only way to save the economy was to put people back, or either further in debt. i will go further on about how you as a person, has no, or should have no interest in how "the economy" is doing. DOW and NASDAQ are very foreign concepts. at least to me, but to probably many of you, yet, for some reason, we are happy when they are up and sad when they are down.
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I have but ONE single marKetable, "job-acquiring" sKill and it is the absolutely lowest possible sKill to have in the society: the sKill of Dishwashing. It is the only thing I can claim to have any sort of certifiable ability in. I have what it taKes to be the absolutely ultimate perfect dishwashing champion. I could defeat hundreds of machines, line them all up , go ahead, and PIT THEM AGAINST ME. They will be outwashed, left in the shit, in the dust, in the scum with all the broKen and mangled crap all due to the shocKwaves of my pure dishwashing speed and vigor. I therefore have shameful and disgusting pride in what is in my opinion a truly pointless and useless sKill. But I, despite it all, cannot get a job in my chosen field and YES, I DID CHOOSE THIS FIELD. How foolish am i, how utter waste of a human I am; I would liKe to go bacK in time, smash through the front door of the apartment where eight year old me is in and scream in my own face, "STOP DRAWING. PUT DOWN THE PEN AND START WASHING DISHES. YOU'L NEVER MAKE ANY MONEY EITHER WAY WHICH APPARENTLY IS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY AND SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST GO OUT AND START DIGGING A BIG HOLE OUTSIDE. DIG IT FOR THE NEXT 20 OR SO YEARS AND THEN JUST GET INSIDE OF IT."
List of things that will never happen. my thoughts: there's really no reason that the federal gov't cant and shouldn't just ask "where do you want to live?" and you answer and they just start building an apartment room for you in that place. like when china built those ghost cities, that were huge apartment buildings but nobody lived in them because apparently they were pretty far away from like any place that had a housing market. apparently there were people living in slums in those towns, but they were too poor to afford a room on these buildings even though they were empty and no one who had enough money wanted to move in to them. the developers reasoning for not allowing the poor people into the new apartments were that the rooms were too nice and they were built for a certain market. this is probably one of the things that angers me the most about our current world.
the buildings were contracted by the gov't and i think mostly paid for or something. i think like since the Chinese gov't employs a lot of people, they have to keep them working even if they don't really have anything to build or any ideas. so they had to build just to build like uncle Larry would say. so all these workers build these huge apartments or the govt dollar and then no one lives in them. its like, a big waste you know? why don't they just have programs where like you can sign up to work on an apartment building, and if you do, and you work on it and build it, you aren't paid, but you can have one of the apartment, if its part time, and you can have another job part time while you do it just to sustain yourself. that way, you only have to work really hard for like a year while you're building it and then you don't have to pay rent anymore for the rest of your life.
Hey guys, it's me: Obliquion "Omni-Norn" 19. Just wanted to say I really love the new site. I'm working on a scam involving recording NYC metrocards onto cassette tape and releasing the copy-able recordings under the guise of experimental noise music... It was great to see the old site finally die. Silently awaiting orders in a subterranean antechamber, yours truly. Signing off "The sleeping typhoon will one day learn to blow again" why don't they just have programs where like you can sign up to work on an apartment building, and if you do, and you work on it and build it, you aren't paid, but you can have one of the apartment, if its part time, and you can have another job part time while you do it just to sustain yourself. that way, you only have to work really hard for like a year while you're building it and then you don't have to pay rent anymore for the rest of your life.